I started blogging in 2006, back when blogging was mostly an online form of journaling. It wasn't as pretty or as flashy as it is now. In 2009 I discovered Mommy Bloggers (and Pinterest) and in 2010 I became a mom for the first time. By 2013 I had a clearly defined goal to become a successful Mommy Blogger with the hopes that it might someday lead to being printed in magazine articles. But after I had my third child in 2016, it became apparent that not only was I not meeting the first step in that goal (to publish to my blog regularly), but that I wasn't writing at all.
I have read Mommy Blogs (and other blogs, including microblogs like Instagram) since then, and have benefited from the moms who are successful at being influencers. But I have realized that I can't do blogs and social media in the way the the algorithm wants. So I've decided that my new blogging goal is to refocus on the origins of blogging. Journal-like posts that don't always have pretty images in them. Irregular posting. Content that isn't optimized for searches and branding. No ads. No sponsored posts.
We'll see how this goes. There's a very real possibility that there won't be much content to see here in ten years. (2034, for reference, for the future me that is trying to do the math.)
Two things I want to mention before I forget to post about them:
I had always hoped that my blogging would get to a point where it financially supported itself as a hobby (hosting fees, etc.). It didn't. And it turns out I had a lot to say about it, so I moved it to it's own post.
I forgot the other thing.
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